Friday 24 July 2015

I'm a Feminist Babysitter

I'm sure many of you have seen the recent essay Mark Ruffalo published, in which he said 'To quote an old friend "I'm not the feminist babysitter". While I respect a feminist's right to say that - I want you to know that I am a feminist babysitter. I want to educate people about feminism because that's where the hatred for feminism comes from - misunderstanding and ignorance. I would love for people to ask me questions about feminism and to engage in healthy debate to encourage support, or at the very least tolerance, for feminism. Because that is how we change the conversation and people's perspectives - through education.

I think it's important that more of us (if you want to) try to be feminist babysitters teachers to those who don't understand it, rather than ignoring them. I never had anyone explain feminism to me, I had to figure it out for myself through social media threads, articles from Everyday Feminist etc. and various YouTube videos. I'm still figuring it out now.

I don't anyone to feel like they are isolated - to ignore feminism because they can't understand it - and as a result turn their back on feminism. We need to change that and even though 'independent research' to form your own opinions is necessary, we need to teach, not tut, at people who mix up the definitions of feminism and misandry (even though it kills me every time I hear the at feminism is "man hating".)

Obviously though, if you don't want to and think people should educate themselves then I respect your right to do so, Equally, if like me, you want to help people understand the true meaning of feminism, then that's okay too.

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