Last week for PCT, I wrote a post about the Twitter hashtag 'Growing Up A Girl' so today I'm writing one up about its male counterpart - #GrowingUpABoy - because the patriarchy and sexism still affects boys/men too.
From an early age boys, like girls, are instilled with their stereotypical gender roles whether from family or the media. Boys clothes are typically blue, emblazoned with little trucks, sports equipment etc. in hope that they will grow up to be a stereotypical boy who loves cars and sports and everything else in our society typical men like to showcase their masculinity. It's been that way for thousands of years, and while the activities may have changed, the concept remains the same.
Then, if boys do not like to take part in these activities or wearing blue etc. they are bombarded with insults that hurt their masculinity e.g. 'pussy', 'don't be such a girl', 'man up' etc. all of which portray any sign of sensitivity in a man/boy as shameful and feminine - which men can never be. (Myself and other feminists think they can, but society seems to have a louder voice than we do). As a result of this, the highest percentage of people that commit suicide are young men. This is because they feel that they can't ask for help for fear of being ridiculed and/or just being told to 'man up'. Because boys are supposed to be the strong ones, the ones who hold everything together and that is deeply rooted in our psyche and so embedded in our culture that digging it up takes a hell of a lot of work -but we're digging, and changing.
I am also aware that boys, if sexually assaulted or abused by either another man or a woman, they are less likely to have their claim taken seriously or might not even admit at all (for reasons see above) because for years we are taught that the male is stereotypically the abuser - but that's not true - anyone can be the abuser, just like anyone can be the victim.
But feminism is working to change these things - just like it's working to change the problems girls face.
What are your thoughts on the Growing Up A Boy Hashtag?
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