A few days ago, a video emerged online of 19 year old Vine star Carter Reynolds trying to force his 16 year old (UNDERAGE) ex-girlfriend into oral sex. If that wasn't bad enough, Reynolds then had the audacity to not even apologise himself, but had to be forced to!
Undoubtedly, as anyone would in that situation, his ex-girlfriend suffered a nervous breakdown and is currently receiving treatment at a psychiatric hospital. Reynolds then mocked her breakdown calling her 'psychotic' over Twitter not only showing no remorse for his actions but mocking the trauma she suffered.
If that wasn't disgusting enough, Reynolds played the victim card.. despite the fact he wasn't the victim. claiming the video was an invasion of his privacy! Too right it was because can you imagine if that video hadn't been posted? People would still be in love with Reynolds, slaves to the lies he tells, that he is an ordinary guy. Call me old fashioned but I didn't think ordinary people tried to pressure their exes into sexual acts. Now he has been exposed as a horrific person who shouldn't be given the time of day.
However, even with the video evidence and his tasteless tweets, his legion of fans have started using the hashtag #weloveyoucarter claiming that 'he made a mistake'. PRESSURING SOMEONE INTO PERFORMING A SEXUAL ACT (especially when they're underage!) IS NOT A MISTAKE. It is despicable, and our support should lie with his ex, Maggie, rather than this monster she previously dated.
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